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Friday, August 06, 2010

Iran's Mini-Empire At The U.N.

Iran has received sanctions from the world community, the US, and the UN regarding human rights issues, the pursuit of nuclear weapons, and a variety of other issues.  But did you know that while being under no less than four binding sanctions from the UN security council, Iran sits on several commissions within the UN specifically aimed at resolving women's rights, human rights, children's rights, and other issues.

The United Nations has just created a new "entity" on women's rights, called U.N. Women. Elections to its governing board are now being organized. How long before Iran wins a seat?

If the question sounds absurd, the realities at the U.N. are even more mind-bending. The most recent high-profile outrage on this score was Iran gaining a seat in April on the U.N.'s Commission on the Status of Women. But that's the least of it. The reality is that Iran, despite being under four sets of binding sanctions resolutions by the U.N. Security Council, has learned to manipulate the institution in ways that make a mockery not only of the U.N. itself, but also of U.S. claims of diplomatic competence.  
Read more at Forbes

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